Sunday, July 17, 2011

Another group's competition also had the result

Another group's competition also had the result. Japan “stole steals” the team to defeat “the brain to be quick” the team, entered the finals. after “the brain is quick” the team loses the game, Jinan's fans have made the disturbance, destroys a Japanese Restaurant. Two Japanese in eat the Sashimi time encounters the attack seriously, the injury.   
    34 contentions are in “throws valuable” the team and “the brain is quick” between the team to carry on. “the brain is quick” group leader Xu Maogong heard that “throws in valuable” the team is some current dynasty high-ranking official's son, Qu Yi becomes friends with, has lost the competition happily, appeared compared to having won happily also. Young Xu has the research to the traditional culture, he knows only then manages complex the pure matter, can demonstrate our Chinese's forte.   

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