Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Filial piety Emperor Hui, great-great grandfather crown prince also

Filial piety Emperor Hui, great-great grandfather crown prince also, the mother says Queen Lu. The emperor year five years old, at the beginning of the great-great grandfather are the Chinese kings. Two years, stand for crown prince. 12 year in April, the great-great grandfather collapses. In May the third third branch, crown prince is the emperor imperial throne, reveres empress to say the empress dowager. Bestows the people first-level jue. Court attendant, doctor of Chinese medicine reach six years old jue third-level, four year old of second-level. Outside court attendant reach six year old of second-level. The court attendant does not reach year old of first-level. Outside the court attendant does not reach two years old to bestow the money ten thousand. Outside officials Shang Shibi the doctor of Chinese medicine, paying respects to, held  , holds the halberd, the warrior, zou compares the court attendant.

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