Monday, July 18, 2011

why does he always make her to be inferior to so suddenly against?

why can't we turn swords into plowshares? A pile accident lets two family members quarrel becomes enemies, also lets your mother and my father turns two to be most painful, the most happy camper, moreover also and is not quick this all sorts of pain, infects to each person! I did not understand why all people regard it to naturally? Why can everybody waste 18 years to live in the middle of hate, but does not live in the middle of the love?”
  Along with these words, on her face that kind of resistance's facial expression vanishes, displaces is an unconscious changing countenance gradually. Such expression change falls in his eye, caused him at heart to fill with the hope. therefore I must change it now! I have chosen the love,” he still decided stares at her, unexpected rhetorical question: “you?”
As soon as she startled jumped, slow could not at once the definite agreement. Insisting, she has been angry suddenly, why does he always make her to be inferior to so suddenly against? But are always so easily convinced why by him? The day, she simply should not see him again, as soon as so long as looks that he, listened to him, she fully armed to be utterly routed. “you are listening!”She rapid and flurried, wished one could the one breath to hurry saying that then hurried to leave. “I the reason that see you today, is must tell you, from now henceforth, your I make a clear distinction between the demarcation line, please do not appear suddenly again, do not run up to my family to go again, do not make one to pass on any words, when we are ever not once had seen the strangers, does not see again, forever does not see ......”

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