Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Crown prince the imperial three-horse harness team while bestows jue five doctors

. Crown prince the imperial three-horse harness team while bestows jue five doctors, shed person reach five year old of second-level. Bestows the funeral, 2000 stone money 20,000, 600 stones by up to ten thousand, below 500 stones, 200 stones to assist the history 5000. Regards as reprimands, general 40 golds, 2000 stone 20 golds, 600 stone above six golds, below 500 stones to assist the history two golds. Reduces the farmland rent, duplicate 15 taxes one. jue five doctors, above government official 600 stones and government official emperor, but well-known is guilty, when robs the weapon, all praises the department; Above on makes and inside and outside Gongsun, the ear grandson is guilty, when punishment and when for city day pounding, all bears for the clever firewood, white bright; People year above 70, if does not reach ten years old to work as guilty punishment, all it. Also said: “government official, therefore governs the people also, can it govern, then the people depend it, therefore heavy its wealth, thinking people. Now above the government official 600 stones the parents wife with lives together, therefore and the government official tastes wears general, Wei Yin the soldier, and wears 2000 stone official stamps, the family only to the armed forces the tax, he has nothing the institute and.” Is set up Gaomiao the county feudal lord king. First year winter in December, Zhao Yinwang pleasant dies

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