Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This position permits is Kangxi 14

This position permits is Kangxi 14, for lives with Yong Zheng with the mother, he is and Yong Zheng competes one of throne primary opponents in the Kangxi old age, Kangxi lets go this world that time, he is appointed Fuyuan imperator, far in the northwest front. Said that he the opinion which usurps the throne, as soon as stemmed from a counter-clear public figure Zeng Jing confession which the Yong Zheng six years (in 1728) was arrested. Zeng Jing was listens to others in Hunan saying:“the emperor (Kangxi) wants the big series to pass on first with permits, when body of the emperor unhesitating, issues an imperial decree summons to permit to come to Beijing, its aim for prosperous branch many hidden, the emperor dies the first date, does not permit, the prosperous branch multi-biography aim then sets up now (Yong Zheng).”Here said is Kangxi “wants the big series to pass on with permits”, is not by "Loses Imperial edict" the form assigns truly, but with “issues an imperial decree” summons it to come to Beijing to relate looked, may also be Kangxi has assigns meaning. But said explicitly has "Loses Imperial edict" and is tampered with is simultaneously is proclamationed by news another some criminals, hears some people to discuss: “Saint ancestor emperor the original biography 14 elder brothers permits the world, the emperor ten' the character to change ``in' the character.”"the Principle of righteousness Thought that Fan Record", carries

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