Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The soldiers place my Pakistan children on the wooden donkey

 Eight soldiers recommend my Pakistan children to move toward the wooden donkey. My Pakistan children shout loudly: “the golden dog, the tower tower person, my descendants will remember today, remembers this blood debt, even if will rub five nails, will grasp ten fingers breaks, they must revenge!”   
    The soldiers place my Pakistan children on the wooden donkey, bundles well. A light upper arm, a Chest nest long pinch of chest wool's executioner, between lips is holding in the mouth the nail steadily, grasps the wooden hammer, before arriving at the wooden donkey, “the sound of something being struck or falling to the ground rat-a-tat ......” my Pakistan child's hand sews on the wooden donkey, “the sound of something being struck or falling to the ground rat-a-tat ......” his another hand also sews on the wooden donkey. My Pakistan children suppress the ache to clench the teeth, does not cause itself to be called the sound. The executioner starts toward on my Pakistan child's foot the nail nail, “sound of something being struck or falling to the ground rat-a-tat ......”   

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